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Option 模式匹配

与 Scala 2 相比,Scala 3 中的模式匹配的实现大大简化了。 从用户角度来看,这意味着 Scala 3 生成的模式更容易调试, 因为所有变量都会在调试模式下被显示,而且位置都会被正确保留。

Scala 3 支持 Scala 2 提取器的超集。


提取器是公开方法 unapplyunapplySeq 的对象:

def unapply[A](x: T)(implicit x: B): U
def unapplySeq[A](x: T)(implicit x: B): U

公开 unapply 方法的提取器被称为固定元数提取器,用于处理元数固定的模式。 公开 unapplySeq 方法的提取器被称为可变提取器,支持可变模式。



def unapply[A](x: T)(implicit x: B): U

类型 U 应该符合以下 match 之一:

  • Boolean match
  • Product match

或者 U 符合以下的类型 R

type R = {
  def isEmpty: Boolean
  def get: S

其中 S 符合以下 match 之一:

  • single match
  • name-based match

前一种形式的 unapply 具有更高的优先级,而 single match 的优先级高于 name-based match


  • U = true
  • 提取器用于 product match
  • U = Some[T] (为了与 Scala 2 兼容)
  • U <: RU <: { def isEmpty: false }



def unapplySeq[A](x: T)(implicit x: B): U

The type U conforms to one of the following matches:

  • sequence match
  • product-sequence match

Or U conforms to the type R:

type R = {
  def isEmpty: Boolean
  def get: S

and S conforms to one of the two matches above.

The former form of unapplySeq has higher priority, and sequence match has higher precedence over product-sequence match.

A usage of a variadic extractor is irrefutable if one of the following conditions holds:

  • the extractor is used directly as a sequence match or product-sequence match
  • U = Some[T] (for Scala 2 compatibility)
  • U <: R and U <: { def isEmpty: false }

Boolean Match

  • U =:= Boolean
  • Pattern-matching on exactly 0 pattern

For example:

object Even:
   def unapply(s: String): Boolean = s.size % 2 == 0

"even" match
   case s @ Even() => println(s"$s has an even number of characters")
   case s          => println(s"$s has an odd number of characters")

// even has an even number of characters

Product Match

  • U <: Product
  • N > 0 is the maximum number of consecutive (parameterless def or val) _1: P1_N: PN members in U
  • Pattern-matching on exactly N patterns with types P1, P2, ..., PN

For example:

class FirstChars(s: String) extends Product {
   def _1 = s.charAt(0)
   def _2 = s.charAt(1)

   // Not used by pattern matching: Product is only used as a marker trait.
   def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = ???
   def productArity: Int = ???
   def productElement(n: Int): Any = ???

object FirstChars {
   def unapply(s: String): FirstChars = new FirstChars(s)

"Hi!" match {
   case FirstChars(char1, char2) =>
      println(s"First: $char1; Second: $char2")

// First: H; Second: i

Single Match

  • If there is exactly 1 pattern, pattern-matching on 1 pattern with type U
class Nat(val x: Int) {
   def get: Int = x
   def isEmpty = x < 0

object Nat {
   def unapply(x: Int): Nat = new Nat(x)

5 match {
   case Nat(n) => println(s"$n is a natural number")
   case _      => ()

// 5 is a natural number

Name-based Match

  • N > 1 is the maximum number of consecutive (parameterless def or val) _1: P1 ... _N: PN members in U
  • Pattern-matching on exactly N patterns with types P1, P2, ..., PN
object ProdEmpty {
   def _1: Int = ???
   def _2: String = ???
   def isEmpty = true
   def unapply(s: String): this.type = this
   def get = this

"" match {
   case ProdEmpty(_, _) => ???
   case _ => ()

Sequence Match

  • U <: X, T2 and T3 conform to T1
type X = {
   def lengthCompare(len: Int): Int // or, `def length: Int`
   def apply(i: Int): T1
   def drop(n: Int): scala.Seq[T2]
   def toSeq: scala.Seq[T3]
  • Pattern-matching on exactly N simple patterns with types T1, T1, ..., T1, where N is the runtime size of the sequence, or
  • Pattern-matching on >= N simple patterns and a vararg pattern (e.g., xs: _*) with types T1, T1, ..., T1, Seq[T1], where N is the minimum size of the sequence.
object CharList {
   def unapplySeq(s: String): Option[Seq[Char]] = Some(s.toList)

"example" match {
   case CharList(c1, c2, c3, c4, _, _, _) =>
   case _ =>
      println("Expected *exactly* 7 characters!")
// e,x,a,m

Product-Sequence Match

  • U <: Product
  • N > 0 is the maximum number of consecutive (parameterless def or val) _1: P1_N: PN members in U
  • PN conforms to the signature X defined in Seq Pattern
  • Pattern-matching on exactly >= N patterns, the first N - 1 patterns have types P1, P2, ... P(N-1), the type of the remaining patterns are determined as in Seq Pattern.
class Foo(val name: String, val children: Int *)
object Foo {
   def unapplySeq(f: Foo): Option[(String, Seq[Int])] =
      Some((, f.children))

def foo(f: Foo) = f match {
   case Foo(name, ns : _*) =>
   case Foo(name, x, y, ns : _*) =>

There are plans for further simplification, in particular to factor out product match and name-based match into a single type of extractor.

Type testing

Abstract type testing with ClassTag is replaced with TypeTest or the alias Typeable.

  • pattern _: X for an abstract type requires a TypeTest in scope
  • pattern x @ X() for an unapply that takes an abstract type requires a TypeTest in scope

More details on TypeTest