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枚举和 ADT 的翻译

编译器将枚举和它的 case 扩展为值使用 Scala 其他语言特性的代码。因此,Scala 中的枚举是便捷的语法糖, 它们不是理解 Scala 核心所必需的。


  • 我们使用 E 作为一个枚举的名称,使用 C 作为出现在 E 中的 case。
  • 我们使用 <...> 表示在某些情况下可能为空的语法结构。例如,<value-params> 表示一个或多个多个参数列表 (...),或者什么都没有。

  • 枚举 case 分为三类:
    • 类 case 是那些参数化的 case,可以带有一个类型参数部分 [...],一个或多个参数部分 (...)
    • 简单 case 是非泛型枚举中既没有参数也没有 extends 子句或者类体的 case。也就是说,它们只包含一个名称。
    • 值 case 是所有没有参数部分,但是有(可能是生成的)extends 子句或类体的 case。

简单 case 和值 case 统称为单例 case

脱糖规则表明类 case 会被映射到 case 类,单例 case 会被映射到 val 定义。

有九条脱糖规则。规则(1)脱糖枚举定义。规则(2)和(3)脱糖简单 case。规则(4)到(6)为缺少 extends 子句的 case 定义它们。 规则(7)到(9)定义了如何将带有 extends 子句的 case 映射到 case class 或者 val

  1. 一个 enum 定义
    enum E ... { <defs> <cases> }

    扩展为一个继承 scala.reflect.Enum trait 的 sealed abstract 类和与其关联的包含所有定义的 case 通过规则 (2-8) 展开后结果的伴生对象。 枚举类以编译器生成的 import 开始,导入了所有 case 的名称 <caseIds>, 以便在类中不使用前缀的情况下使用它们。

    sealed abstract class E ... extends <parents> with scala.reflect.Enum {
      import E.{ <caseIds> }
    object E { <cases> }
  2. , 分隔的枚举名列表
    case C_1, ..., C_n


    case C_1; ...; case C_n

    原本的 case 上的所有 modifier 和注解都会延伸到所有扩展出的 case 上。

  3. 枚举 E 中不接受类型参数的简单 case
    case C


    val C = $new(n, "C")

    这里 $new 是一个私有方法,用于创建 E 的实例(见下文)。

  4. 如果 E 是一个接受类型参数
    V1 T1 >: L1 <: U1 ,   ... ,    Vn Tn >: Ln <: Un      (n > 0)

    的枚举,其中每个 variance Vi'+''-',则简单 case

    case C


    case C extends E[B1, ..., Bn]

    BiVi = '+' 时为 Li,当 Vi = '-' 时为 Ui。然后使用规则(8)进一步重写该结果。 枚举带有 non-variant 类型参数情况下的简单 case 是不允许的(但可以使用显式带有 extends 子句的值 case)。

  5. 不接受类型参数的枚举 E 中没有 extends 子句的类 case
    case C <type-params> <value-params>


    case C <type-params> <value-params> extends E


  6. 如果 E 是一个接受类型参数(们) Ts 的枚举,则既没有类型参数也没有 extends 子句的类 case
    case C <value-params>


    case C[Ts] <value-params> extends E[Ts]

    然后使用规则(9)进一步重写该结果。本身带有类型参数的类 case 需要显式给出 extends 子句。

  7. 如果 E 是一个接受类型参数(们) Ts 的枚举,则没有类型参数但带有 extends 子句的类 case
    case C <value-params> extends <parents>


    case C[Ts] <value-params> extends <parents>

    前提是类型参数(们) Ts 至少在 <value-params> 中的参数类型或 <parents> 的类型参数中提到至少一次。

  8. 值 case
    case C extends <parents>

    扩展为 E 的伴生对象中的值定义

    val C = new <parents> { <body>; def ordinal = n }

    其中 n 是伴生对象中 case 从零开始的序号。这个匿名类还实现了从 Enum 中继承的抽象的 Product 方法。

    值 case 引用 <parents> 类型参数中封闭 enum 的类型参数是一个错误。

  9. A class case
    case C <params> extends <parents>

    expands analogous to a final case class in E’s companion object:

    final case class C <params> extends <parents>

    The enum case defines an ordinal method of the form

    def ordinal = n

    where n is the ordinal number of the case in the companion object, starting from 0.

    It is an error if a value case refers to a type parameter of the enclosing enum in a parameter type in <params> or in a type argument of <parents>, unless that parameter is already a type parameter of the case, i.e. the parameter name is defined in <params>.

    The compiler-generated apply and copy methods of an enum case

    case C(ps) extends P1, ..., Pn

    are treated specially. A call C(ts) of the apply method is ascribed the underlying type P1 & ... & Pn (dropping any transparent traits) as long as that type is still compatible with the expected type at the point of application. A call t.copy(ts) of C’s copy method is treated in the same way.

Translation of Enums with Singleton Cases

An enum E (possibly generic) that defines one or more singleton cases will define the following additional synthetic members in its companion object (where E' denotes E with any type parameters replaced by wildcards):

  • A method valueOf(name: String): E'. It returns the singleton case value whose identifier is name.
  • A method values which returns an Array[E'] of all singleton case values defined by E, in the order of their definitions.

If E contains at least one simple case, its companion object will define in addition:

  • A private method $new which defines a new simple case value with given ordinal number and name. This method can be thought as being defined as follows.

    private def $new(_$ordinal: Int, $name: String) =
       new E with runtime.EnumValue {
          def ordinal = _$ordinal
          override def productPrefix = $name // if not overridden in `E`
          override def toString = $name      // if not overridden in `E`

The anonymous class also implements the abstract Product methods that it inherits from Enum. The ordinal method is only generated if the enum does not extend from java.lang.Enum (as Scala enums do not extend java.lang.Enums unless explicitly specified). In case it does, there is no need to generate ordinal as java.lang.Enum defines it. Similarly there is no need to override toString as that is defined in terms of name in java.lang.Enum. Finally, productPrefix will call when E extends java.lang.Enum.

Scopes for Enum Cases

A case in an enum is treated similarly to a secondary constructor. It can access neither the enclosing enum using this, nor its value parameters or instance members using simple identifiers.

Even though translated enum cases are located in the enum’s companion object, referencing this object or its members via this or a simple identifier is also illegal. The compiler typechecks enum cases in the scope of the enclosing companion object but flags any such illegal accesses as errors.

Translation of Java-compatible enums

A Java-compatible enum is an enum that extends java.lang.Enum. The translation rules are the same as above, with the reservations defined in this section.

It is a compile-time error for a Java-compatible enum to have class cases.

Cases such as case C expand to a @static val as opposed to a val. This allows them to be generated as static fields of the enum type, thus ensuring they are represented the same way as Java enums.

Other Rules

  • A normal case class which is not produced from an enum case is not allowed to extend scala.reflect.Enum. This ensures that the only cases of an enum are the ones that are explicitly declared in it.

  • If an enum case has an extends clause, the enum class must be one of the classes that’s extended.