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Reflection enables inspection and construction of Typed Abstract Syntax Trees (Typed-AST). It may be used on quoted expressions (quoted.Expr) and quoted types (quoted.Type) from Macros or on full TASTy files.

If you are writing macros, please first read Macros. You may find all you need without using quote reflection.

API: From quotes and splices to TASTy reflect trees and back

With quoted.Expr and quoted.Type we can compute code but also analyze code by inspecting the ASTs. Macros provide the guarantee that the generation of code will be type-correct. Using quote reflection will break these guarantees and may fail at macro expansion time, hence additional explicit checks must be done.

To provide reflection capabilities in macros we need to add an implicit parameter of type scala.quoted.Quotes and import quotes.reflect.* from it in the scope where it is used.

import scala.quoted.*

inline def natConst(inline x: Int): Int = ${natConstImpl('{x})}

def natConstImpl(x: Expr[Int])(using Quotes): Expr[Int] = {
   import quotes.reflect.*


import quotes.reflect.* will provide all extractors and methods on quotes.reflect.Trees. For example the Literal(_) extractor used below.

def natConstImpl(x: Expr[Int])(using Quotes): Expr[Int] = {
   import quotes.reflect.*
   val tree: Term = x.asTerm
   tree match {
      case Inlined(_, _, Literal(IntConstant(n))) => {
         if (n <= 0) {
            report.error("Parameter must be natural number")
      case _ => {
         report.error("Parameter must be a known constant")

We can easily know which extractors are needed using, which returns the string representation the structure of the tree. Other printers can also be found in the Printer module. Printer.TreeStructure)
// or

The methods quotes.reflect.Term.{asExpr, asExprOf} provide a way to go back to a quoted.Expr. Note that asExpr returns a Expr[Any]. On the other hand asExprOf[T] returns a Expr[T], if the type does not conform to it an exception will be thrown at runtime.


The Position in the context provides an ofMacroExpansion value. It corresponds to the expansion site for macros. The macro authors can obtain various information about that expansion site. The example below shows how we can obtain position information such as the start line, the end line or even the source code at the expansion point.

def macroImpl()(quotes: Quotes): Expr[Unit] = {
   import quotes.reflect.*
   val pos = Position.ofMacroExpansion

   val path = pos.sourceFile.jpath.toString
   val start = pos.start
   val end = pos.end
   val startLine = pos.startLine
   val endLine = pos.endLine
   val startColumn = pos.startColumn
   val endColumn = pos.endColumn
   val sourceCode = pos.sourceCode

Tree Utilities

quotes.reflect contains three facilities for tree traversal and transformation.

TreeAccumulator ties the knot of a traversal. By calling foldOver(x, tree)(owner) we can dive into the tree node and start accumulating values of type X (e.g., of type List[Symbol] if we want to collect symbols). The code below, for example, collects the val definitions in the tree.

def collectPatternVariables(tree: Tree)(using ctx: Context): List[Symbol] = {
   val acc = new TreeAccumulator[List[Symbol]] {
      def foldTree(syms: List[Symbol], tree: Tree)(owner: Symbol): List[Symbol] = tree match {
         case ValDef(_, _, rhs) => {
            val newSyms = tree.symbol :: syms
            foldTree(newSyms, body)(tree.symbol)
         case _ =>
            foldOverTree(syms, tree)(owner)
   acc(Nil, tree)

A TreeTraverser extends a TreeAccumulator and performs the same traversal but without returning any value. Finally, a TreeMap performs a transformation.


quotes.reflect.ValDef also offers a method let that allows us to bind the rhs (right-hand side) to a val and use it in body. Additionally, lets binds the given terms to names and allows to use them in the body. Their type definitions are shown below:

def let(rhs: Term)(body: Ident => Term): Term = ...

def lets(terms: List[Term])(body: List[Term] => Term): Term = ...